Cheese FAQs
Frequently asked questions about cheese making.
- What can I do with my leftover whey after making cheese?
- Can I make cheese with lactose-free milk?
- Why is there Maltodextrin in some of the cultures?
- Can I reuse my brine solution?
- I have accidentally assembled my cheese press with the base upside down. The nut has now come out, what can I do?
- How do I clean and look after my cheese cloth?
- Can I halve my cheese ingredients to make smaller batches? If so, do I then have to adjust any of the cooking times or methods?
- We don’t have a microwave oven. Can we still use your Mozzarella Kit?
- What is 'one dose' of cheese culture?
- How do I test my cheese culture?
- What are Coliform Bacteria?
- Can I use powdered milk to make cheese?
- Why do you add your calcium chloride solution to water before you add it to the milk in cheesemaking?
- Can I make cheese out of goat’s milk?
- What milk can I use to make Cheese?
- How do I pasteurise my milk?
- My cheese has a bitter taste. What could have gone wrong?
- I have one of the beginners' Cheese Making Kits but I want to make more advanced cheeses. Where do I get the instructions?
- What can I use as a "Cheese Cave" environment to age my cheeses?
- What do I do about mould on my cheese under the wax?
- What do I do about mould on my cheese while drying?
- How do I know if my cheese is dry enough to wax?
- How can I calibrate and reset my thermometer if needed?
- I'm planning to buy a Hard Cheese Kit. Do I need a Cheese Press?
- How much culture or mould do I use?
- How do I test my rennet?
- What is the difference between a "Best Before Date" and "Use By Date"?
- How do I store the culture and other cheese making ingredients?
- How well will my cultures, moulds and rennet handle being shipped in our hot Australian climate?
- What is the shelf life of the freeze-dried cheese cultures?